From the Principal
Welcome to Hastings Elementary School website! Hastings is a wonderful community of learners. The social, emotional, and academic achievement of our students drives our work and mission as a school. We are grateful that our students have the opportunity to grow in a vibrant, diverse, collaborative learning community.
Our daily work is focused on the whole child. We commit to instruction guided by how young children learn while ensuring rigor, engagement, and the ability to meet the needs of every individual child.
We are committed to inspiring independent lifelong learners. One way we work toward this is through our Hastings has HEART character work. As a school, we strive to foster values of Honesty, Empathy, Acceptance, Responsibility, and Teamwork within our students.
As a reminder school hours are from 8:50 - 3:05. We thank you in advance for ensuring your child’s attendance is regular and on time. Drop off is from 8:35-8:50 to support students transition into school and allow them to settle into their classroom before the day begins. *Half-days are from 8:50 - 11:55.
Please note we will send our Weekly News and Notes through our ParentSquare communication system on Thursday afternoons every week. We strongly encourage everyone to read this newsletter weekly so you are up to date on all important information and happenings within our school and community.
Please reach out to the school office if we can be of assistance at 508-836-7750. The Hastings staff looks forward to our partnership with you!