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From the Principal

Principal's Message

Dear Hastings Families,

Happy Spring! We have enjoyed the warm weather and how it adds to our day to day school experiences.  We have a lot to look forward to in the next few months!

On Tuesday, April 23rd our K-3 music team continues their family music night tour at Armstrong from 6:00-6:45.  All families are invited to join this event that will include drumming! Mr. Kinney, Mrs. Yanco and Ms. Prouty hope to see you there!

On Thursday, May 2nd, we welcome Lisa Rogers for our school wide literacy day! Lisa will be presenting to each grade level and we are excited to Drop Everything And Read at the end of the school day!

Students continue to learn about their Hastings HEART.  They have learned about Empathy, Acceptance, Responsibility, and Teamwork so far this year. We have been working to catch students practicing these important values at school. We will continue to learn about the “H” this spring. At the end of the year we will celebrate all of our HEART work and practice making a world of difference by giving back to our community during HEART Day! 

As a reminder, below are the hours for school and regular ways to stay connected. 

School Hours - 8:50-3:05

School Newsletter - Thursdays at 4:00 PM titled “Weekly News and Notes” through Parent Square

Hastings Parent Group Meetings - Monthly on Tuesdays or Thursdays. Check the school newsletter for meeting reminders!

Julia D'Agata

Julia D'Agata
